I have a dog, well actually 2 dogs, but let's talk about Dixie, the Boxer dog. She is 16 months old (basically a toddler). Here is a picture of her silly face when she was a wee baby girl.....
Now let's talk about how this dog aggrevates the crap out of me.... She is a big almost 80 pound beast that jumps on the babies and everyone else for that matter, chews the outside cable cords into pieces, can jump over the back of the couch (clears it) when I am trying to catch her, and she is SO HYPER!!!
Let's take a look at her now......
I had made up my mind to give her away... I had a family picked out and was on my way to take her to her new home. I had her in the truck already. There was a knot in my stomach and I knew I would miss her, but it would be ok. But then this happened..........
That's right, I busted the back window out of my truck, while I was on my way to take the dog to her new home. Wanna know how it happened? Said dog's "trolley" cable, wrapped around the piece of my truck that holds the window in and jerked the whole window out, shattering it into a million pieces in the process. So I took that as a SIGN that the dog needed to just stay with us for now. Weird I KNOW (how ironic though-the dog's cable broke my window when I was on my way to get rid of the DOG). Now if these 2 things don't stress a girl out enough... Take a look at this.....
My baby boy burned the F*CK out of his arm! I thought I would cry with him, I knew it hurt THAT bad! While I was in the bathroom, and BF had stepped 5 feet into the living room to get said DOG off of baby girl (dog was jumping on her knocking her down, she was screaming). Mr Bubby grabbed a piping hot skillet out of the sink (BF had just fried hamburgers) and the grease ran down his arm, scalding his skin, he dropped the pan immediately but the damage was already done. He started screaming, "The blood curdling, something is majorly wrong here scream," you know the one that makes your heart stop and fall out in the floor. I KNEW by that scream that he was hurt, and hurt bad. I ran in there, he started screaming, "Help it Mommie, Help it, it burns, it hurts, put a bandaid on it, help it, it burns!" The first thing I did is put butter on it (I know now that was probably not the best idea, but at that point I wanted to help him), then I took him to the sink ran cold water over it, put aloe on it, then sprayed it with Lanocaine (burn spray). He is FINE now, if it wasn't for the red mark on his arm, you would never know it happened. When these pics were taken he said it didn't hurt anymore and he went to bed just fine. Maybe one day, Somewhere over the rainbow..... 
Things will get easier..... MAYBE?
Oh, Gayle, you poor thing. Promise me to never, ever put butter on a burn again? Please? I know that's probably what you did growing up, but it's not so good for burns.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry he got burned and it makes me very sad. My son has done the same thing, there's nothing worse than listening to your baby cry when he's hurt. Maybe some puppy kindergarten would be good for the dog so she won't jump all over the kids.
Oh, it is so heartbreaking to watch our children in pain. I am so glad he is a trooper and is ok.
ReplyDeleteThe puppy is adorable!
OMG!! I know you probably flipped out when you saw the burn!! I am so glad he is ok now!! I am so very sorry all these things happened. Take care!